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Snowboarder's near-death caught on tape (VIDEO)

(CBS/KHSL) James Drummond was snowboarding at Mt. Shasta ski park, videotaping some friends' runs, when he lost his balance and got trapped upside down in a tree well.

He was stuck in as much as six feet of snow. His hands were pinned next to his chest. His phone was in his chest pocket.

"I was positive I was going to die," Drummond said.

After a terrifying 20 minutes, his wife called. James was barely able to pick up the call.

"Call the ski patrol," screamed a panicked Drummond.

His wife quickly called, but it took the rescue crew another 30 minutes to reach him.

After Drummond was freed, he snowboarded the rest of the way down the mountain.

While he had no trouble getting back on his board, watching the video and sharing his experience were far more difficult.

"It's hard to watch and it's a little embarrassing too. I was really scared," Drummond said. "I'm sharing something I don't like to share, but I want to."

Drummond doesn't want to discourage others from hitting the slopes. He just hopes his terrifying experience will help educate others and get them to take the necessary safety precautions.

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