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Skype around the world, chatting with 162 countries

(CBS News) In celebration of Skype's 10th anniversary, comedian Mark Malkoff video chatted with people all around the world from 162 different countries. I recommend you watch this entire clip to appreciate Malkoff's funny remarks -- oh, and, you know, the vast cultural differences (and touching similarities) between our many nations. Posted on Malkoff's YouTube page, this video will really make you appreciate the wonders of technology.

I think my favorite was the guy in Afghanistan who was on a chopper! Talk about making your current desk job seem pretty uneventful. And the woman in Vietnam who got to meet Big Bird ("Oh really, he can speak?"). And Estonia! And Papua New Guinea! I could go on and on. I just love this whole video, it kind of makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Malkoff took the idea of making new friends in unexpected places to a far-reaching -- and awesome -- level. It really is a small world after all.

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