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Sidney Friedman's 2010 Predictions

It's 2010, and if you're like most people, you probably are wondering what this new year has in store. Luckily, a mentalist stopped by "The Early Show Saturday Edition" who claims he can see into the future.

He's Sidney Friedman and author of the book "Your Mind Knows More Than You Do."

What is a mentalist? According to Friedman, "A mentalist is someone who has highly developed abilities of perception and intuition. These abilities are used to sense what others may be feeling or thinking, and to also sometimes sense future events."

Asked if he can really see into the future, Friedman says, "The meanings are often blurred between mentalist and psychic. Psychics often claim they see the whole future, and although some people refer to me as a psychic, I believe most of the future cannot be predicted. For the most part, we make the future. We make it happen or not happen. But once in a while, the curtain parts ever-so-slightly on the theater of tomorrow and we get a glimpse of the drama to come. I take note of these glimpses, interpret them and tell you what I see."

Friedman says there are four methods how he gets his premonitions:

"Through dreams; I journal my dreams and then attempt to decipher the images; by a method known as goblet gazing, or water gazing (it's a kind of meditation); with a pendulum; and sometimes, I just guess, though not often," he explained.

Asked why we should believe him and his predictions, Friedman said, "Since 1998, over twelve years, I've publicly stated on television, radio and my Web site my foresights/prognostications/intuitions about each coming year, so they are out there for everyone to see and check my accuracy. Overall I've had a 68 percent success rate, with as high as 76 percent, and never lower than 62 percent, including predicting the following: Steve Fossett's successful circumnavigation of the globe in a balloon; Barack Obama winning the 2008 election, predicted pre-primaries, against all punditry at that time when Hillary Clinton was leading in the polls; the landing point of Hurricane Floyd, predicted on CBS News Chicago."

"Of course, remember, accurate predictions can seem obvious in retrospect, but wrong predictions seem totally silly. So it's important to appreciate how difficult this is. It's an art, it's also a science, but I always try to have fun with it, challenge myself and see if I can keep improving," he added.

Getting down to business, we asked him what he sees in store for the economy in 2010.

"In terms of the stock market, a major correction in Dow Jones prices will occur (perhaps about a thousand points) prior to spring, then a recovery in summer, finishing at year's end higher than where we started the year. Nonetheless, recession will still remain," Friedman predicted. "But overall, as I've stated since a year ago December, we must look at this long-term, and we are in a seven to eight year cycle that evolves to a kind of Renaissance in the economy with incredible invention, resourcefulness and discovery resulting in new businesses, better times for current businesses, and thus more jobs and major growth in the economy."

"By the way, seven to eight years may seem like a long time, but in the larger scheme of things, the eons that precede us and that will follow, it's a relatively short period," he added.

Asked if the jobless rate will go up or down, he predicted that "the job situation improves with more people employed in 2010, with the most significant jumps in employment occurring at the end of spring and at year's end. Nevertheless, we won't have as many people back to work as we would all like, but it's an improvement."

Switching to politics, we asked if President Obama will see a more successful year in 2010.

Friedman said, "The perception will be that President Obama is doing better, and though his poll numbers fell in the second half of 2009, his approval ratings will rise by end of summer in 2010. By the way, there will be a cabinet resignation this year."

Asked if his health care reform bill will pass, Friedman said, "Yes. Here's the interesting part: even though the House and Senate each passed a version of a health care bill, it will still undergo significant changes, part of which will include (surprisingly) the so-called 'public option,' or something like it, before it is signed into law."

Asked if the Republicans will gain seats in the House and Senate in the November elections, Friedman predicts, "The Republicans will gain two seats in the Senate. They will gain slightly in the House."

And he predicts Sarah Palin is "always" in the news. "That's not hard to predict. And if she isn't, someone in her family will be."

See more of Sidney Friedman's predictions on page 2.>

We had several questions for Friedman about the world of entertainment.

Asked when Tiger Woods will return to golf and what will happen to his marriage, Friedman predicted, "Tiger Woods, in spite of his announced leave of absence, will return to the golf circuit and though he fails in smaller tournaments, he will win another major this year or the following spring. Regarding his marriage, I'm feeling the strong possibility that both Tiger and Elin appear on Oprah together."

Will Jennifer Aniston find true love in 2010? "She will indeed find a great love relationship, perhaps not in this year, but within the next six to 24 months. That period is the cycle for which all the elements will be right. Plus, he will be someone about eight to 12 years older," Friedman said.

Asked if "Brangelina" will survive the year, Friedman said, "Nothing juicy to report here. The relationship remains a relationship despite rumors of them possibly splitting."

Friedman also has predictions for the upcoming Academy Awards. He predicts "The Hurt Locker" will score an Oscar for Best Picture.

"My other two strongest intuitions on the Oscars are: Best Supporting Actress goes to Mo'Nique for "Precious" and Best Director goes to Kathryn Bigelow for "The Hurt Locker."

"This is total intuition," he added. "Keep in mind, I never see the movies until a year or two later when they are on a movie channel. I just don't go to the theaters for movies. Plus, keep in mind, they haven't even announced the nominees as yet, so this is really going out on a limb."

Asked what else he foresees for 2010, Friedman made the following predictions:

  • The numbers 1, 8 and 23 are somehow important in the grand scheme of things this year.
  • Donald Trump changes his hairstyle.
  • Susan Boyle "lives a dream" instead of just "dreaming a dream" in that she finds a bit of romance.
  • Ellen DeGeneres is a huge hit as the new judge on "American Idol," resulting in even higher ratings for the show.
  • The Grammy Awards has an unexpected silence.
  • Norah Jones has brush with danger on a tour. In the end, all is good.
  • For more on Sidney Friedman, visit his Web site,

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