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Shelley Malil Update: Defense Says Actor Had "No Plan" to Kill Ex-Girlfriend

Shelley Malil Update: Defense Says Malil Had "No Plan" to Kill Ex-Girlfriend
Shelly Malil (KCAL) KCAL

VISTA, Calif. (CBS/AP) Shelley Malil's defense attorney told the jury in his closing argument in the actor's attempted murder trial that there's no doubt his client went too far when he picked up a kitchen knife and threatened his ex-girlfriend, Kendra Beebe. However, attorney Matthew Roberts said the incident was a normal part of their tumultuous relationship, saying: "These people have ridiculous drama on a daily basis."

Roberts told the jury Wednesday there was no evidence that Malil intended to murder Beebe.

This is an important distinction for the jury to make since Malil could face 21 years to life in prison if convicted of premeditated attempted murder in the 2008 incident at the home of Beebe, who was stabbed more than 20 times, but survived.

Roberts described Beebe as a woman known for orchestrating drama and trying to make men jealous. He described how Malil became angry when he found Beebe in her backyard with another man and grabbed the knife. Roberts said the three people fought over the knife and Malil began flailing about with the knife after being struck in the back of the head by Beebe.

"Again there's nothing stealth, nothing sneaky about what he's doing," Roberts told jurors. "There was no plan, no premeditation."

In his closing argument Tuesday, Deputy District Attorney Keith Watanabe told the jury that there was overwhelming evidence that Malil intended to kill Beebe, according to the San Diego Union Tribune.

"There is so much proof in this case," Watanabe said. "There is a mountain of evidence."

Watanabe told the jurors how witnesses said that Malil attacked Beebe with two different knives in two different parts of her back yard after the first knife, which Watanabe claims the actor brought with him, was taken from him by Beebe's date. Watanabe said Malil's actions showed not only premeditation but intent as well, according to the paper.

"Why didn't he stop at some point?" Watanabe asked. "Because he had a job to do."

September 1, 2010 - Shelley Malil Attempted Murder Trial: Actor Charged with Stabbing Ex With a Butcher Knife
September 2, 2010 - Shelley Malil Attorneys Question Ex Kendra Beebe's Credibility

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