In February, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric began "The American Spirit," a series that reports on extraordinary people whose unique solutions to America's problems have had a major impact on the communities in which they were started, and are now also being echoed across the country.
Do you know someone who embodies "The American Spirit?" Let us know by e-mailing us your ideas.
Some of these reports include:
Monday, March 5: Byron Pitts profiles a Christian non-profit organization called ACTS - "Active Community Team Services" - founded three years ago, and making a big difference in hard-hit areas. Volunteers go directly into disaster zones, right away.Monday, Feb. 5: Kalamazoo, Mich. school superintendent Janice Brown explains how she has provided free college tuition to more than 350 students after starting the "Kalamazoo Promise" program last year. Tuesday, Feb. 6: Couric profiles Don Berwick, a Harvard-trained pediatrician, who is trying to make American healthcare safer. To date, Berwick's new, wide-reaching program has helped 3,100 hospitals become safer, possibly resulting in many lives saved.Wednesday, Feb. 7: In 2004, James Simons founded Math for America in an effort to keep American students competitive. By increasing the number of America's teachers that are properly trained, the organization has made significant inroads in addressing a simple but profound problem.Thursday, Feb. 8: Former Wall Street executive Janet Hanson is the founder of 85 Broads, a first-of-its-kind organization to help women get ahead in the workplace by creating mentoring network. The groundbreaking program has reached thousands of women worldwide and become the success model for other business networks.
Do you know someone who embodies the "American Spirit"? Let us know by e-mailing us your ideas. We may feature your story idea on a future CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.