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Senator says bipartisan gun control deal likely

(CBS News) As the Senate gears up for the first fight over new gun legislation in two decades, Republicans do not appear to have the votes they need to execute a planned filibuster on Thursday and a bipartisan breakthrough is likely, according to one Democrat.

Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, claims he is close to a deal with Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey on a plan to expand background checks to cover firearm purchases made at gun shows and online, a measure that 90 percent of Americans say they support. Under the proposed law, gun sellers would be required to keep records of those checks to help police track gun crimes.

Both Manchin and Toomey are considered friends of the NRA, a factor that makes their plan more palatable to some pro-gun Republicans.

Sen. Isakson on gun control debate, Newtown families
Gun buy background checks deal apparently close in Senate

The families of eight Newtown victims will be back on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, urging senators to consider passing more restrictive gun laws. The Barden family, who lost their six-year-old son Daniel in the Sandy Hook school shooting, met with Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, a longtime support of gun rights.

After the meeting, Isaksontold CBS News' Nancy Cordes that as a parent and grandparent he "understand[s] their passion."

"I understand their tragedy, I don't think that I can be empathetic because I haven't walked in their shoes," Isakson said, "but I can certainly be sympathetic and understand how horrible it must be, and I commend them for coming and being a part of the process."

As the Newtown families continues their lobbying efforts, the 14 Republican who committed to filibuster the vote on Thursday say they still plan to do so even as Democrats say they have the votes to block the maneuver.

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