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Scott Brown Writing a Book

Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown was only sworn into office last week, but his political career is already worth documenting, some think. The newest Republican senator is writing a book, Politico first reported.

"Sen. Brown is honored and humbled to be approached by many people who want him to tell his inspirational personal story about his life leading up to his election as a United States senator from Massachusetts," Gail Gitcho, Brown's Senate communications director, told Politico. "He will tell his story in a book in hopes of providing insight and encouragement to others and also to ensure that the record is complete and accurate."

Brown pulled off a stunning victory last month over Democrat Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts Senate special election for the seat formerly held by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Brown will work with a collaborator on the book so he is not distracted from his Senate duties, Gitcho said. Politico reports he is represented by Robert Barnett from the law firm Williams & Connolly, who purports to be "one of the premier authors' representatives in the world" and has represented a number of high profile figures including President Obama, former President Bill Clinton and journalist Bob Woodward.

Part of the proceeds from the book will go to charity.

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