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Scott Baio's wife Renee diagnosed with rare brain tumor

"Happy Days" star Scott Baio and his wife Renee are having somewhat more serious days following her diagnosis with a brain tumor.

Baio, 54, used Facebook to provide a public statement about his 42-year-old wife's serious condition on June 16, a meningioma brain tumor which doctors have not yet determined to be cancerous or not.

"Just a few days ago we learned my wife, Renee, has a meningioma brain tumor," the 54-year-old star shared. "Although 90% of these type of tumors are benign they can cause serious problems depending on the size of the tumor and the location. We are waiting to learn the exact location to see if its operable," he explained.

"Renee has been down some rough roads in her life, yet each time with her strong faith in God, she comes through a better and stronger person," Baio said of his wife of eight years. "During this time we ask for your prayers and support. My wife is my rock. She refuses to even shed one tear, nor will she question God's will. Renee, Bailey, and I will get through this and along the way maybe help educate others to get checked out (MRI with contrast) as 6,500 people each year, mostly women, get these tumors."

Just as her husband said, Renee Baio showed her unflagging strength in her own message on Twitter, and redirected concern for the people whom she thinks could use it more. "Thank 4 well wishes. A Meningioma brain tumor is a bump in the road compared 2 the trials/tribulations my spec needs kids live." The latter statement about special needs children was a reference to her daughter Bailey who was incorrectly diagnosed in 2007 with GA-1, a metabolic disorder, an incident that subsequently inspired the couple to establish a non-profit for infant health screening called the Bailey Baio Angel Foundation.

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