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School Teacher Wins "Big Brother 10"

A 25-year-old Catholic school teacher is the big winner of "Big Brother 10." Dan Gheesling takes home $500,000. His best buddy in the house, Memphis Garrett, was the runner-up. The two spoke with The Early Show co-anchor and Big Brother host Julie Chen just moments after the season finale.

"Dan, you've just won half-a-million dollars. How does it feel to be the winner of Big Brother 10?" Chen asked.

"It's very hard to fathom at this point -- $500,000 is a lot of money, but being a big fan of the show, winning this is like a dream come true, and I couldn't have done it without the renegade brother Memphis," Gheesling said.

"Is that true, Memphis?" Chen asked.

"It is true," Garrett said.

"Does he deserve to win over you -- the half million dollar grand prize?" Chen asked.

"You know, of anybody in the cast to win, I would want him to win. I'm very happy for him and we've become very, very good friends over the course of time," Garrett said.

"What are you going to do with half-a-million dollars Dan?" Chen asked.

Good question. My girlfriend back there will get a nice present that may fit on her ring finger, who knows," Gheesling said. "The reason I came on Big Brother, I love my job at St. Mary's -- hopefully I still have it. And being a teacher, hopefully this will allow me to stay there for the rest of my career."

"What does it take to win this game?" Chen asked Gheesling.

"Memphis and I can both speak on the fact that we kept a cool head for the most part. We saw a lot of people self-destruct in this game," Gheesling said. "The first handful of people went down by their own hand and I think because we never really self-destructed that's a major component coming into this house."

"I wasn't going to change who I was for this game, and I haven't," Garrett said.

"And Dan, how about you. You didn't lose your cool. Is that how you are in real life?" Chen asked.

"Pretty much. There's a couple times when maybe I get called a name, but one thing I have in real life is a sharp tongue, and if I would've let that sharp tongue loose, I would not be here," Gheesling said.

"How did you control it?" Chen asked.

"$500,000," Gheesling said.

"You can zip it up for that for sure. What did you miss most?" Chen asked.

Both men pointed to their girlfriends.

"Aww, their girlfriends," Chen said. "Well, you guys certainly earned this. For you Memphis, $50,000, and Dan, half-a-million. Well done … "

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