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Ryan Reynolds: Secrets of "Sexiest Man Alive"

Ryan Reynolds arrives with for the premiere of "The Proposal" in Hollywood, Calif., on June 1, 2009. (GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images) GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images

(CBS) Actor Ryan Reynolds has the sex appeal to win over America. At least that's according to People magazine which just anointed the 34-year-old actor "Sexiest Men Alive for 2010."

But CBS News Healthwatch has long had it's eye on the Canadian actor for his unbelievable fitness and his awe-inspiring abs.

"My body naturally wants to look like Dick Van Dyke," he told People. "When I stop training, I turn into a skin-colored whisper."

If that's true, it looks like the 6'2" Reynolds has been training quite a bit.

Seven days a week, 90 minutes a day. That's the grueling regiment that trainer Bobby Strom pushed Reynolds to do for the actor's upcoming film "Green Lantern."

"One day might have been 70 percent abs work, then some leg work or upper body work," he told WebMD. The married father of two said he worked hard with dumbbells and on his core strength.

Whatever it is, it's working.

See who else is on this year's sexy list at People magazine.
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