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RNC Video Equates Pelosi With Goldfinger Character

5033880The Republican National Committee released a video (see below) that draws a connection between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Pussy Galore, a character in the 1964 James Bond movie, "Goldfinger." The 1.38-second video deals with Pelosi's accusation from May 14 that the CIA and Bush administration misled her about waterboarding detainees, and attempts to equate the 69-year-old Congresswoman with the fictional Ms. Galore, who was part of the Goldfinger's evil gang intent on robbing Fort Knox of all its gold.

The RNC's tasteless video isn't going over well in the Beltway. Politico reports that Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said that the video was offensive and not in the best interest of the Republican party:

"I thought it was reprehensible, irresponsible and unpersuasive. If we're going to regain the credibility of the American people, we're going to have to stop with silly antics like that. It may get a snide chuckle inside the Beltway, but it offends most people. We have to get away from the politics of personal destruction," Chaffetz said.

Don't expect the Democrats to respond with their own video equating the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has called for Pelosi's resignation, with Goldfinger. The irony in this tale is that in the course of the movie and book by Ian Fleming, Ms. Galore turns on her employer Goldfinger, aligns with Mr. Bond, alerts the CIA to the nefarious plot to rob Fort Knox.

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