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RNC sues for Bill Clinton's schedules

The Republican National Committee is trying to get its hands on thousands of pages of schedules for former President Bill Clinton, Politico reported Tuesday.

Last month, the RNC asked a federal judge to order all of the former president's schedules from his post-presidency to be released because he worked closely with officials at the State Department and because his post-presidency office is funded by taxpayers, the report said.

A lawyer for the RNC also argued in the lawsuit that they should be released because the Clinton Foundation solicited donations abroad while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.

This came after the State Department gave the RNC 14 pages of heavily redacted schedules for Clinton in June in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, and the report says the department said last week that roughly 5,400 pages of his schedules will eventually be processed and released to the RNC.

The RNC wants the department to release the documents without any redactions.

Politico reports that it's unclear whether Republicans will gain access to the documents before November's presidential election. The report says the State Department is only required to process 500 pages per month.

Clinton's schedules, however, are also becoming public as a result of other lawsuits and FOIA requests, the report said.

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