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Religion in America Sunday on FTN

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, the second largest diocese in the country, joins us to talk about the state of religion in America and the role of Religion in Politics in Campaign 2012. As the leader of the opposition to the White House's contraception coverage plan in religious schools, Catholic hospitals and organizations, the Cardinal weighs in on where the Church stands on the issue today, and what he thinks of the Government's intervention in the practices of the Catholic Church and other religious institutions. I also talk a little politics with the Cardinal, does he think Catholics could support a Mormon for President?

Then, we'll have a religion roundtable with Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Rabbi David Wolpe, of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, recently named the top Rabbi in America by Newsweek and The Daily Beast, Rev. Luis Cortes of Esperanza USA, the nation's largest evangelical Hispanic network plus the Washington Post's Sally Quinn and Andrew Sullivan of Newsweek and The Dish. Andrew Sullivan just wrote a fascinating cover story for Newsweek on "Christianity in Crisis," I'll ask him about it. We'll talk more about the contraception controversy, Rick Santorum's take on JFK's famous speech on the separation of church and state, plus a whole lot more.

Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson and Editorial Writer Ruth Marcus, plus Bloomberg's Julianna Goldman and CBS News' Chief White House Correspondent Norah O'Donnell will join me for a discussion on the latest in Campaign 2012. With Mitt Romney reaching the halfway point on his quest to clinch the nomination, he launched a blistering attack on President Obama this week for being "out of touch." The President had some tough talk about Romney, has the general election finally begun? The President also took on the Supreme Court this week, what impact might that have on the Court's decision on his health care program?

Finally, stay tuned for highlights of Face the Nation's first Google+ Hangout On Air. I talked to Rabbis Laura Baum and Robert Barr, Jason Illian of Rethink Books, LifeChurch.TV's Bobby Gruenewald and Sarah Pulliam from Christianity Today about the intersection of politics, religion and technology.

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