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Regis Reflects on Life in TV

Television will be honoring its daytime stars this Sunday night at the 37th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, and none other than Regis Philbin will be hosting.

Philbin joined co-anchor Harry Smith Thursday morning on "The Early Show" to discuss the big night, his co-hosts, and his fond memories of working in the television industry.

This year, the Daytime Emmy's will originate in Las Vegas -- a change of pace from the usual New York or Los Angeles locales.

"Vegas gives you all the talent all ready to be inserted into the show," Philbin pointed out. "We'll use a lot of those acts. And Vegas is an exciting town. We're doing it at the Hilton."

Philbin himself did his very first act at the MGM and in Steve Wynn's first hotel. Philbin regards Las Vegas as the entertainment capital of the world, so it seems appropriate for all the stars to head there this year.

What's likely to stand out Sunday nite? "Look who's getting his first Emmy -- Dick Clark, after all those years," said Philbin. "Ryan Seacrest is going to present it to him."

Many know Clark for "American Bandstand," but his production company has contributed much more than that to TV.

Like Clark, Philbin has been in the industry a long time, but for Philbin, a couple of memories stand out.

"I think it's got to be the "Millionaire" show ("Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"). You know, first time I saw that show, I wanted it, I wanted it so bad. I knew it was going to be a hit," recalled Philbin. "But I hung in there, hung in there, and finally a couple people turned it down. And then [the show] became available to me and I knew it was going to be a hit. And it was. And I think that was the biggest thrill in my life."

Philbin himself won an Emmy for the it, and got another for "Live" while he hosted solo between when Kathy Lee left and Kelly Ripa entered. "I love working with my co-hosts. I love those girls. It's hard to do it alone, ad lib for 20 minutes," laughed Philbin.

Philbin is a nominee for another Emmy this year, but he stays lighthearted about it because, win or not, he still gets to host the show.

"We're nominated every year, Harry. Doesn't matter. We can't win it. But I don't care, because I'm the host this year."

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