Reeva Steenkamp reality show to air as planned
A South African reality show featuring Reeva Steenkamp, the murdered girlfriend of Olympic track star Oscar Pistorius, will air this weekend as planned, according to the show's creator.
"As we grieve today with Reeva's family & friends and struggle to make sense of this shocking tragedy, it has taken much deliberation to come to the decision to continue screening 'Tropika Island of Treasure 5' as planned," creator/executive producer Samantha Moon said in a statement Friday.
"Reeva was an intelligent, beautiful and amazing woman, and we feel it would be an injustice to keep that unknown from those who did not know her personally," she continued. "Every episode that she is in, every frame that she so ably dominates -- shines with her light and her laughter echoes in every conversation, and we want to share these special memories with the rest of South Africa."
The episode will be dedicated to Steenkamp's memory, Moon added. A special tribute to the model will also air ahead of Saturday's show.
Steenkamp died Thursday after being shot multiple times at Pistorius' house in a gated community in an eastern suburb of South Africa's capital, Pretoria. Pistorius, 26, has been charged with her murder.
The double-amputee athlete wept as he appeared in court Friday, where prosecutors said they will pursue a charge of premeditated murder. In a statement, Pistorius' family said it disputes the charge he faces "in the strongest terms."