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3 reasons to buy gold bars and coins this April

This April could mark a great time to invest in gold bars and coins. Getty Images

Gold has long been considered a smart investment for a multitude of reasons. Thanks to its safe-haven nature, intrinsic value and ability to weather economic volatility better than many other assets, gold has historically been a smart addition to a diversified portfolio

Like all investment types, however, the timing behind an investment in gold is critical to get right. If you get in too early, you could lose out on the potential advantages the precious metal offers. But if you wait too long, the protections it could have provided may have been missed.

Many have turned to gold in recent years to help battle inflation. But with inflation still elevated, if significantly cooled, there's still a compelling case to be made for investing in the yellow metal right now. Below, we'll detail three reasons why you may want to get started with physical gold, like bars and coins, this April.

Start by exploring your gold investing options online here to learn more.

3 reasons to buy gold bars and coins this April

Here are three big reasons why you may want to invest in gold bars and coins this month.

The price is rising

Gold is not typically known as an income-producing asset, but right now, it can be. The price of gold has surged since March 1, rising from $2,082.55 that day to $2,360.25 per ounce today. So if you invested just last month you could have made close to $300. 

And that's if you sold it now. Many experts are predicting that prices will continue to rise in the weeks and months to come. But even if you don't sell, the price of gold tends to remain steady and is unlikely to see major drops in value, making it a reliable investment in most economic conditions, but especially now.

Get started with gold bars and coins today.

Inflation is still problematic

Interest in the precious metal has risen significantly thanks, in part, to the ability of the metal to hedge against inflation. When inflation is high, gold tends to keep its value, unlike many other investments. And, unfortunately, the recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed inflation rising again in March, its second consecutive rise this year. 

So with inflation more stubborn than many had expected at the start of 2024, it makes sense to add some cautionary protection now. Gold — whether in a gold IRA, bars, coins or some other form — can provide that help today. 

It's easy to invest in

Unlike some other assets, which may require professional assistance or expert knowledge, it's relatively easy to invest in gold, especially now. With big retailers like Costco and Walmart currently selling gold in their stores — and multiple top gold investing companies to work with online — no matter how much (or little), you want to invest in gold, it's easy to do so today. Just make sure to know the gold investing red flags and the price of the precious metal the day you buy in to ensure you buy a legitimate product at a reasonable market price.

The bottom line

Gold has been a smart investment for much of the last two years but it can be particularly worthwhile for many investors this month. Thanks to its rising price, investors can potentially see big returns more quickly than usual. And with inflation sticky, the value of having the precious metal in your portfolio remains strong. Plus, it's ubiquitous right now — being sold at big retailers, online and with local dealers. For these three reasons, many Americans should consider buying gold bars and coins this April. Just be sure to do so with the understanding that gold should generally be limited to 10% or less of your overall portfolio.

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