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Queen Determined to Stop Prying Photographers

When you're part of Britain's royal family, parading in front cameras comes with the territory.

But the Queen wants to draw the line of what's public -- and private -- when it comes to her future in-laws, reports CBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata.

She's taken legal steps to provide protection from the paparazzi for Prince William's fiancée Kate Middleton and her family.

It came after pictures popped up showing the Middletons learning how to shoot on the Queen's private estate in Scotland.

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Prince William has already made clear he takes a 'zero tolerance' approach to the paparazzi, threatening to take both criminal and civil action against any photographer who steps over the line.

He also personally promised his fiancée's father that he would protect Kate from the media.

"What you can't do is sneak through the bushes and take photographs of them when they are at private play," said Mark Stephens, a media lawyer.

Prince William blames the paparazzi for chasing his mother Princess Diana to her death in a Paris car crash more than 13 years ago.

He's determined his future wife will not have to tolerate the same kind of harassment.

Back when she was simply William's girlfriend, in 2007, she made a formal complaint to the Britain's Press Complaints Commission that she was the victim of harassment.

But as one photographer put it: now it is open season. Kate Middleton -- and for that matter her family -- are fair game.

Just last week Prince William's press secretary sent a letter to royal correspondents reminding them that even after the engagement, the Middleton family remained private individuals.

Exclusive: William Kept Royal Engagement Secret from Staff
Photos: Royal Engagement Frenzy
Photos: Prince William and Kate Middleton
Photos: Kate Middleton

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