Pug puppy surprise is both adorable and endearing
(CBS News) Like an epic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, adorable and endearing have come together in the form of this video above that will have you smiling, laughing and possibly getting a little teary-eyed. Watch as a guy presents his girlfriend with a very special pug puppy surprise.
If there was a Geiger counter for adorable, it would be flying off the charts right about now! The caught-on-camera moment was posted by YouTube user 30poundman who writes:
surprised my girlfriend with a new pug puppy after the loss of her 10 year old beagle.We here at The Feed would like to salute you, not only for the unbelievably thoughtful and cute pug puppy surprise given to your girlfriend, but also for giving all of us such a wonderful moment to watch and brighten our day with, 30poundman!