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Pro-Obama PAC attacks "Mitt Romney's America"

Republican presidential hopeful former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney talks about his plan for creating jobs and improving the economy during a speech Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011, in Las Vegas, at McCandless International Trucks.
AP Photo/Julie Jacobson

Updated 9:59 a.m. Eastern Time

Priorities USA Action, the super PAC dedicated to helping re-elect President Barack Obama, plans to launch a significant ad campaign on Wednesday against Republican Mitt Romney.

The web ads will be their first big paid social media campaign, according to Bill Burton, who helped form the Democratic super PAC after serving as Mr. Obama's spokesman. Burton said his group will spend about $100,000 on advertising on Facebook, Google, YouTube, and other media sites.

The 90-second video is called "Mitt Romney's America." It is part of an early effort by the Democratic group to define Mitt Romney in negative terms.

The video opens with suggestions that Romney has the "best chance" of being the GOP presidential nominee as ominous music plays in the background. It then shows Romney expressing support for the Tea Party and saying "corporations are people" and plays audio of a debate moderator discussing how Romney's former firm bought a company that laid off workers. The ad also includes a black-and-white shot of a young Romney and his colleagues posing with dollar bills spilling out of their clothes as well as video of Romney saying of the foreclosure process, "let it hit the bottom."

"We made this video to give life to the policies our country could expect if Mitt Romney were elected President," said Burton. "As Americans look ahead to a critically important election a year from this week, we are beginning the process of helping Americans know the truth about what Mitt Romney's America would look like."

Responded Romney for President Spokesperson Andrea Saul: "While Mitt Romney is focused on his jobs and economic plan which will provide relief for the middle-income taxpayers, President Obama and his cronies are worried about their own jobs. It is no surprise since President Obama cannot run on his failed record that his political allies resort to false and negative attacks on Mitt Romney."

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