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Prince of Wails?

In college I wanted to major in Psychology but my mom wouldn't let me. She said it would be too hard to get a job. So journalism it was. Obviously Nick Hudson's mom has far less control over him. He's majoring in Bagpipes. Yes, those things that sound like a suffocating moose, that's his major. I visited Nick at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh where he's now in his sophomore year. He's the only bagpipe major in the country and if he graduates, he'll only be the third person to ever get the degree. The story airs tonight on the CBS Evening News.

He's a funny kid. He says he loves wearing the kilt but has yet to go "regimental." (I didn't ask). Nor does he wear it to class.

But he certainly isn't shy about playing. My favorite part of the story is when he practices out on the campus green. Within two minutes, he had pretty much emptied the place of students.

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