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Trump, first lady receive hurricane briefing at FEMA

Trump, first lady attend FEMA briefing
President Trump, first lady attend FEMA hurricane briefing 13:23

President Trump and the first lady visited FEMA headquarters on Wednesday where they received a briefing on the 2018 hurricane season. Last year's hurricane season brought devastation to areas across the U.S. including Texas, the Florida Keys, and Puerto Rico as well as other islands in the Caribbean. 

"We've never experienced so many large-scale disasters in such a short period of time," remarked Mr. Trump, noting the widespread impact of Hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria last year. He said the administration's aim this season is for "maximum preparation for rapid response" ahead of any potential storms. 

He said such response is "best achieved when federally supported and locally executed."

The president spent much of briefing lauding members of his Cabinet for the work they've been doing to advance the administration's agenda. He thanked each member personally, only briefly acknowledging Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom he's publicly lashed out against over twitter for his recusal from the ongoing Russia probe in the 2016 election. 

Wednesday's visit was also the first time in nearly a month that Melania Trump attended a public event where cameras were present. She was seen earlier this week at a closed-door White House event honoring Gold Star families but her lack of public appearances as of late has sparked questions. 

Mr. Trump acknlowedged his wife at the briefing, saying she "went through a little rough patch, but she's doing great, we're very proud of her she's done a fantastic job as first lady." He added, "the people love you, the people of our country love you."

Mrs. Trump was last seen publicly during the overnight hours of May 10 when she and the president welcomed home three Americans who had been detained in North Korea. Four days later, the White House announced that she had been hospitalized to treat a benign kidney condition.

Mr. Trump tweeted on the rumors surrounding his wife, writing that the "Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious, to my wife and our great First Lady, Melania. During her recovery from surgery they reported everything from near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse. All Fake, she is doing really well!"

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