Pre-prom crime: Chicago man committed carjacking before big dance, cops say
(CBS) CHICAGO - A Chicago man was arrested after he allegedly stole an SUV at gunpoint hours before going to the prom with his girlfriend.
Police say 20-year-old Lorenzo Bracey was arrested Friday around 7 p.m. at a McDonald's, reports CBS Chicago.
Police reportedly say they found Bracey wearing a white Tuxedo. According to the Chicago Tribune, he had a 9mm handgun with a defaced serial number on it at the time of the arrest.
CBS Chicago reports that after Bracey was taken into custody, his girlfriend complained to police about how "her prom was ruined."
The station reports police say the carjacking occurred Friday at 9 a.m. at a gas station. Bracey allegedly approached the owner of a 1997 model Ford with a gun, and took the vehicle as well as some money, police spokesman Officer Daniel O'Brien said.
Bracey was reportedly charged with a series of firearms violations, as well as two drug charges - possession of a controlled substance and possession of cannabis. A Cook County judge ordered Bracey held on $150,000 bail on Saturday.