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Poll: Romney inching closer to Obama in Pa.

As Mitt Romney and President Obama head into their second debate Tuesday, a new Pennsylvania poll shows Romney closing the gap with the president.

The Quinnipiac University Poll shows Mr. Obama with a four-point lead. The president has 50 percent support to Romney's 46 percent. The results are a positive sign for Romney, who was down by 12 points in a September 26 Quinnipiac poll.

Romney's favorability rating has also risen in Pennsylvania as 46 percent of the 1,519 likely voters surveyed view the Republican candidate favorably compared to 41 percent in September.

Mr. Obama, however, still enjoys higher favorability with 52 percent.

Continuing with the national trends, Pennsylvania men back Romney over Mr. Obama 54 percent to 43 percent, which is a wider gap than in September. Pennsylvania women back the president 57 percent to 39 percent, which is about the same as last month.

The poll's margin of error is 3 percentage points and only 7 percent of likely voters polled say they might change their minds before Election Day.

CBS News does not consider Pennsylvania a swing state, but the poll appears to show the state becoming more comfortable with Romney, which is what other polls reveal. As CBS News reported Monday, a USA Today/ Gallup poll from Monday shows Romney with a five-point lead in swing states and in recent national polls his favorability ratings are on the rise. 

A separate poll by Suffolk University released Monday shows Mr. Obama tied with Romney in New Hampshire. Of the 500 people polled, Mr. Obama posted 47 percent to Romney's 47 percent. The margin of error is 4 percentage points.

Mr. Obama leads among New Hampshire women 50 percent to 46 percent, but Romney leads among men 49 percent to 43 percent.

The president enjoys a personal favorability rating of 40 percent compared to Romney's 48 percent in the Granite State.

In a third new poll, Gallup's Daily tracking poll, which is a national poll, Romney sees a small bounce. He is leading the president 50 percent to 46 percent, which is Romney's largest lead since at least October 1.

Gallup asked 2700 likely voters between October 9 and 15. The margin of error is 2 percentage points

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