Poll: Rielle Hunter-John Edwards Sex Tape Worth $5 Million; What Would You Pay?
NEW YORK (CBS) Vivid Entertainment, the world's largest producer of pornographic videos, told CRIMESIDER that they would pay $5 million to get their hands on the Rielle Hunter- John Edwards sex tape.
But are people really going to pay up? Vivid CEO Steven Hirsch thinks so.
"There has been a tremendous amount of interest in him," Hirsch told CRIMESIDER. "There has been enough talk about it that it's pretty much sold."
Knowledge of the sex tape surfaced when former Edwards loyalist, Andrew Young, revealed its existence in his recent book, "The Politician." Since then, dirty details of the tape have surfaced via The Daily Beast, based on accounts from multiple people who claim to have seen it. According to The Daily Beast, a medical source who has seen the tape confirmed that Hunter appeared to be four or five months pregnant in the video. Other sources claim Edwards was "graphically performing for the camera," which Hunter was holding, says The Daily Beast.
Hunter has sued Young for invasion of privacy, seeking the return of the videotape. Hunter's appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show Thursday was her first televised interview since the former North Carolina senator first admitted two years ago that he had an affair with her. In the show, Hunter admitted that the tape exists.
So, how much would you pay to watch Rielle Hunter and John Edwards at their most intimate?