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Police: Teen applies for job then steals bb gun from the same store


(CBS) SANTA CLARITA, Calif. - A Santa Clara 17-year-old allegedly handed in his resume for a job at a hobby shop, and then grabbed an Airsoft gun and walked out the door.

The Los Angeles Times reports the boy shoplifted the $129 Airsoft gun just after handing his job application to a store employee on Nov 14. Airsoft guns fire plastic pellets, or bb's.

"Honestly, I wasn't planning on stealing anything," he told KTLA-TV. "I was actually trying to get a job. And...what can I say? I'm a teenager that's stupid."

The teenager's name was not released due to the fact  he is underage.

Police said the teenager handed his resume with his name, address and phone number to the employee. But the worker told him they could only accept applications of those 18 and older.

"The subject said, 'That sucks,' and wandered around the store," an officer said.

The store's surveillance cameras then show the boy lift one of the guns off the display and walk out the door with it. When a reporter from KTLA went to the boy's house, he said his friends might have submitted a resume, but he didn't recall going there.

When told he was caught on camera he said, "Um yes, I did take a gun but I did return...I might' friend was in there with me and he might have slipped it in or something but yes, I did take a gun."

The case has been given to a detective and the investigation is ongoing. There have been no arrests as of yet.

However, the suspect is prepared.

After talking to the KTLA reporter he said, "What time do you think the cops will be here so I can put some shoes on?"

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