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Pocket Wikipedia Puts Knowledge in Your Pants

pocket-wikipedia.jpgWikipedia may have some accuracy issues, but there's no debating it's home to a considerable collection of human knowledge. Now you can take it with you: Pocket Wikipedia offers some 14 million words and 24,000 images -- not the entire 'pedia, but hand-picked selections -- you can view on your PC or Windows Mobile device.

Obviously this would come in quite handy for those times when you're not Internet-connected (fewer and fewer though they may be). Suppose you're meeting with a client, for instance, and he/she drops a bit of jargon you don't recognize. Excuse yourself for a minute, tap-tap-tap Pocket Wikipedia, and come back to the conversation in the know.

If you're not a Windows Mobile user, there's always Wapedia -- Wikipedia for mobile phones. It requires a browser and Internet connection, but it's compatible with just about every mobile device on the planet -- and doesn't require a couple hundred megabytes of storage, which Pocket Wikipedia does. [via Lifehacker]

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