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Pig Farmer: "Do I Look Like A Murderer?"

Jurors in the murder trial of a pig farmer accused of killing 26 women watched videotaped interviews Wednesday in which he denies knowing the victims and asks a police officer: "Do I look like a murderer?"

Slumped in his chair, often with his head in his hands, Robert William Pickton tells Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sgt. Bill Fordy that despite DNA evidence against him, "that don't mean I did it."

Prosecutors have said Pickton told an undercover officer planted in his jail cell that he killed 49 women and intended to make it "an even 50."

Pickton, 56, has been charged with 26 counts of first-degree murder. Most of the victims were prostitutes and drug addicts who vanished from a drug-ridden Vancouver neighborhood in the 1990s.

Pickton is accused of luring women to his pig farm outside Vancouver, where investigators say he threw drunken raves with prostitutes and drugs. After his arrest in February 2002, health officials issued a tainted meat advisory to neighbors who may have bought pork from his farm, concerned that it may have contained human remains.

Pickton has pleaded not guilty to the first six counts of murder. A separate trial will be held for the other 20.

When the trial began Monday, prosecutors laid out some of the gruesome evidence against Pickton, including skulls and teeth of women found in the freezer, slaughterhouse and troughs at Pickton's farm.

The first trial covers the murders of Sereena Abotsway, Mona Wilson, Andrea Joesbury, Brenda Wolfe, Georgina Papin and Marnie Frey.

Fordy is seen in the videotaped interviews telling Pickton a "huge amount" of blood was in his trailer on the farm.

"That's human blood, lots of it," Fordy says. "That's Mona Wilson's blood. This is where she'd been dumped. There's DNA all over the place; it's on the floors, it's on the walls."

"But that don't mean I did it," Pickton said.

Pickton's lawyer, Peter Ritchie, has said his client did not kill or participate in the murders of the six women.

When police first visited the farm in 2002 to investigate, they found two skulls in a bucket inside a freezer in Pickton's mobile home. DNA testing identified the skulls as belonging to Abotsway and Joesbury, two missing sex workers.

Prosecutors said one of Joesbury's earrings was found in the slaughterhouse, human bones were found mixed with manure and part of Wolfe's jaw, with five teeth still attached, was found in a pig trough.

A Royal Canadian task force says more than 60 women remain on a list of missing women, as well as three unidentified DNA profiles from the Pickton farm.

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