PETA plans to launch a porn site
(CBS) - The animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is raising eyebrows with plans to launch a pornography website.
The site will take advantage of the new .xxx top level domains. will be a hub for sexually explicit content and, weirdly enough, animal abuse.
Go Daddy announces .XXX domain prices
According to the Herald Sun spokeswoman Ashley Byrne stated, "We are preparing to launch our own site, but instead of just showing people our iconic ads, we then show them how animals suffer for entertainment." We sure hope the site doesn't lead to a bizarre Pavlov's dog effect.
Why would the animal rights group want to push porn? The Huffington Post got this statement from PETA spokeswoman Lindsay Rajt: "We live in a 24 hour news cycle world, and we learn the racy things we do are sometimes the most effective way that we can reach particular individuals."
Sex sells, but who is PETA trying to sell to? And what exactly are they trying to sell? Blood, guts and porn seems perverse in the worst way.
Hey PETA, want to save the animals? Here's a clue: that's not doing it right.
The organization has been accused of objectifying women for their cause. Between a banned Super Bowl ad claiming that vegetarians have better sex and their "Save the Whales, Lose the Blubber" campaign, it seems like PETA is promoting animal rights at the cost of the women's movement.
The whales campaign created a backlash and sparked the Facebook group "Real Women Against PETA."
A quick browse through their print campaigns clearly shows the divide between men and women. Even men who are known for their nakedness, like Iggy Pop and Steve-O are clothed. However, most of the women are fully nude.
Sorry, PETA, this move seems seriously misguided. After watching porn, no one wants to eat carrots and sign a petition. No one.