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Pepsi's the One: Pa. Man Says Pepsi Vending Machine Made Him Attack His Mother

Pepsi Vending Machine Made Me Attack Mom, Says Man
(AP Photo, file)

FREEDOM, Pa. (CBS/AP) Bet you never heard this one before.

Police say a western Pennsylvania man told them that a vending machine "made him" attack his mother, breaking her wrist.

Thirty-three-year-old David Huffman was jailed and unable to post bond after his arrest on assault charges Tuesday by New Sewickley Township police.

Police Chief Ron Leindecker tells the Beaver County Times that Huffman's father reported his son was "flipping out" and attacked Ethel Huffman, who was found lying in bed with a broken wrist Tuesday afternoon.

Police say Huffman claimed "that the Pepsi machine at Costco made him hurt his mother" and he repeatedly apologized for his actions after his arrest.

Huffman faces a preliminary hearing Dec. 7.

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