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Pakistan Vows Aid in Times Square Investigation

Pakistan's embassy says it will work with U.S. intelligence to unravel the failed Times Square bombing but that at the moment it appears the would-be bomber was a lone "disturbed individual."

Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-born U.S. citizen, is under arrest for the failed bombing.

"An overwhelming majority of Pakistani Americans share the aspirations of civilized people everywhere for a terror-free world and should be seen as allies against the misguided individuals who undertake or plan acts of terror," Ambassador Husain Haqqani said in a statement released by the embassy

Though intelligence officials in Pakistan say at least one man has been detained in the case in Karachi, embassy spokesman Nadeem Haider Kiani said he was unaware of that arrest. He said it's too soon to tell exactly what motivated the bomber.

Asked whether there were ties to foreign terror groups, Kiani said early indications suggest the bomber was "a disturbed individual."

In a statement released by the embassy, Haqqani said most Pakistani Americans share a hope for a terror-free world.

The man arrested in Pakistan, identified as Tauseef, was a friend of Faisal Shahzad, the American of Pakistani origin who is in custody in the United States over the failed attack, one official said. He was arrested in the southern city of Karachi, said the official, who like all Pakistani spies refuses to be named in the media.

According to CBS News' Maria Usman, four to eight people are being held after a series of law enforcement raids.

Shahzad was arrested in New York on Monday as he was about to board a flight to Dubai.

U.S. officials have said the 30-year-old had recently returned from Pakistan, raising speculation he may have been in contact with al Qaeda or Taliban groups in the South Asian country.


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