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Oscars trailer 2012: Billy Crystal is hunted down by Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel

(CBS) The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming Academy Awards, highlighting Billy Crystal's return as host.

The clip plays out like an over-dramatic action movie, with Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel hunting down "a legend" who has been off the grid.

Pictures: Billy Crystal
Special section: Awards season

The mystery man in question - known as "The Host" - is, of course, Crystal, decked out in a getup reminiscent of his character in "The Princess Bride."

Robin Williams, Vinnie Jones and William Fichtner also make cameos in the clip.

The trailer was produced with the comedy website Funny or Die, according to the Los Angeles Times. Starting Friday, it will be shown alongside teasers for actual movies in more than 2,000 theaters.

Oscar nominations will be announced later this month. The awards will be handed out on Feb. 26, with Crystal hosting the ceremony for the ninth time.

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