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Old Games With a New Twist

Playing games by email. The first in the line-up from Hasbro Interactive are Scrabble and Battleship along with Grand Master Chess, Checkers and Backgammon. One person buys the game on CD or online at, you pick a friend with an email address and Windows, and start playing. Hasbro's Jennifer Hubbs says with the first move, the game itself gets emailed too...

"That's all there is to it. So it's just a great way to take thirty seconds out of your day to play a game and talk to someone." You could be going back and forth all day. "Yeah. For a day, for a week, for a year. It's just like email. So it's saved on your computer. It's not actually gone until you delete it."
The games cost under fifteen dollars.

If chess is your game and you want to beat that friend online,log onto a site called It is an online school where the Dean of Chess is new International Grandmaster Maurice Ashley...

"Well we have designed all sorts of lessons online, interactive lessons for all different levels of players. Beginners, intermediates, even advanced players."

The first 25 lessons are free. Ahsley made history, by the way, by becoming the first grandmaster who is black, in the world.

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