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Oklahoma woman accused of removing dead woman's body parts

TULSA, Okla. -- An Oklahoma woman charged with slashing the corpse of her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is accused of removing body parts too.

Shaynna Sims was charged with illegal dissection earlier this month after police say she cut the woman's corpse during a viewing at a funeral home. But new charges were added after the body was taken for cremation, and it was discovered that the woman's breasts and a toe were missing.

Witnesses at the funeral home said they saw Sims with her hands in the casket, reports CBS affiliate KOTV. body had smeared makeup, a cut on the face and the shoes were missing.

Sims was arrested after the funeral. Police said they found her with a folding knife and hair that appeared to be from the corpse.

They also found scissors on Sims, a box cutter knife and "various pieces of makeup," reportedly from the body, reports KOTV. Later, during cremation, it was discovered that a toe and her breast were "crudely cut and removed," as well, a motion to strengthen bond states.

"It was discovered the defendant further mutilated the deceased and has subsequently been charged with unauthorized removal of body parts from a dead body," according to documents filed by the Tulsa County District Attorney.

The woman whose body Sims is accused of mutilating was an ex-girlfriend and longtime friend of Sims' boyfriend. The woman reportedly died of natural causes stemming from a long illness.

Her family said they are "outraged and sickened," in a statement released to KOTV.

"Every time we think this nightmare is over, something else comes out. It's a never-ending, evil nightmare," the family said in the statement.

At the time of her arrest, Smith was already on a deferred sentence for assaulting another woman at the Tulsa County Courthouse in February. Court records show Sims was also charged with child neglect that same month.

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