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Obama plows through 48-hour campaign swing

TAMPA, Fla. At his first rally of the day, but his fourth rally of his 48-hour "day," President Obama referenced Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's rape comments, saying men in Washington should not be making women's health care decisions.

"And by the way, while we're at it, as we saw again this week, I don't think any politician in Washington, most of whom are male, should be making health care decisions for women," he said, "Women can make those decisions themselves. I don't think your boss or your insurance company should be making those decisions."

Last night on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", he commented more extensively.

"I don't know how these guys come up with these ideas," he said, "Let me make a very simple proposition, rape is rape. It is a crime. And so these various distinctions about rape don't make too much sense to me."

The president, losing his voice from his three events yesterday, thanked the Tampa, Fla., crowd for waking up early with him but told them, "You notice, my voice is getting a little hoarse, but...I'm just going to keep on keeping on."

In a humorous moment, the president couldn't find his newly printed 20-page plan when he started to ask the crowd to compare his plan to Romney's. "Where's my plan?" he asked, "Oh it dropped it, I couldn't find my plan, here it is."

The president flew through the night on Air Force One from Las Vegas to Tampa. He ended the night in Vegas by visiting with cafeteria workers at the Bellagio hotel and began his morning in Tampa by delivering three dozen Krispy Kreme donuts to a local firehouse.

On the second day of his "campaign extravaganza," he will visit Richmond, Va., stop through Chicago to vote early in person, and end with a rally in Cleveland before heading back to the White House.

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