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Obama, Netanyahu to meet at White House on Sept. 30

WASHINGTON President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House later this month.

The Sept. 30 meeting marks their first face-to-face talks since March, when the U.S. president visited Israel. Mr. Obama's trip was followed by a restart in peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The White House says Mr. Obama and Netanyahu will discuss the peace talks, Iran, Syria and other regional issues.

Mr. Obama and Netanyahu will both be in New York next week for meetings at the United Nations. Netanyahu says his stops in New York and Washington will focus on halting Iran's nuclear program.

A group promoting a two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict, meanwhile, says Vice President Joe Biden will speak at its annual conference. Biden will address J Street on Monday.

Peace talks resumed in July following efforts by Secretary of State John Kerry to bring the sides together. Martin Indyk, the top U.S. negotiator in those talks, will also address J Street on Monday.

J Street has sometimes been at odds with other advocacy groups that are more staunchly supportive of Israel. The Washington Post first reported Biden's appearance.

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