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Obama Jobs Speech Preview

Considering that there NO new jobs created in August, the unemployment rate remained at 9.1 percent and 14 million Americans are still out of work, the pressure is on President Obama to hit the ball out of the park when he unveils a job creation plan to Congress and the nation tonight.

It has been reported that the package will include $300 billion of tax cuts and spending. Here is what's likely to be on the table:

  • Extension of the payroll tax reduction
  • Renewal of Unemployment Benefits for long-term unemployed
  • New Infrastructure Spending
  • Payroll tax reduction for employers
  • Repatriation tax holiday for Corporations
Most economists that I spoke to believe that these measures could spur some job creation, but they probably won't put a dramatic dent in the nation's dire situation. To do that would require a big increase in government spending, which would increase the nation's debt load and that would be unacceptable to Republicans.

Without a big government push, employment markets won't fully recover until 2017. That means we're likely to see a slog-through, jobless recovery for quite some time. As one e-mailer pointed out: "I strongly suspect that the public will be more concerned with the opening of the football season than another yawn speech by Obama."

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