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Obama: I'm the "Underdog"


From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

(ATLANTA) At a fund-raiser last night, Barack Obama tried to reclaim the title of "underdog," as he attempted to persuade some of his wealthiest supporters to donate to his general election campaign.

"John McCain calls himself the underdog. I will simply point out, for reasons you might consider apparent, that I am the underdog," Obama said.

"I will be the underdog until I'm sworn in."

Obama has been calling himself an underdog since he began campaigning in Iowa last year, and even when he had a decisive lead over Hillary Clinton in primaries, Obama bestowed this title upon himself. On Saturday, he told reporters that being an underdog is "a fun position to be in," but then took a more serious tone as jabbed at McCain's attempts to take the title.

"Let's be realistic, we've got John McCain who has you know two years ago three years ago was the putative republican nominee who's been part of the Washington establishment for years," Obama said and added, "the notion that some how you know I'm uh the heavy favorite in this race I think you know belies recent political history and a lot of American history."

Obama will be campaigning in suburban Atlanta today, as he continues to tout his economic policy. Both he and John McCain will address the 79th Annual LULAC Convention in Washington this afternoon, however they will be speaking at different times.

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