Obama "Filled With Pride" Over Sotomayor

"Like so many other aspects of this nation, I'm filled with pride in this achievement and great confidence that Judge Sotomayor will make an outstanding Supreme Court justice," he said. "This is a wonderful day for Judge Sotomayor and her family, but I also think it's a wonderful day for America."
Following his comments, President Obama told CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller he is "very happy" with the vote total for Sotomayor, who was confirmed 68 votes to 31.
The president thanked the Senate Judiciary Committee for giving Sotomayor "a thorough and civil hearing," and for doing so in a "timely manner" that will allow her to be in her seat for the court's opening in September.
He said "the Senate has affirmed that Judge Sotomayor has the intellect, the temperament, the history, the integrity, and the independence of mind to ably serve on our nation's highest court."
"This is a role that the Senate has played for more than two centuries, helping to ensure that equal justice under the law is not merely a phrase inscribed above our courthouse door, but a description of what happens every single day inside the courtroom," he continued. "It's a promise that, whether you're a mighty corporation or an ordinary American, you will receive a full and fair hearing. And in the end, the outcome of your case will be determined by nothing more or less than the strength of your argument and the dictates of the law."
Added the president: "These core American ideals -- justice, equality and opportunity -- are the very ideals that have made Judge Sotomayor's own uniquely American journey possible. They're ideals she's fought for throughout her career and the ideals the Senate has upheld today in breaking yet another barrier and moving us yet another step closer to a more perfect union."
Read more:
Senate Confirms Sotomayor to Supreme Court
Sotomayor Confirmation an "Easy One" for White House