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Obama Challenges McCain to a Duel

From CBS News' Allison O'Keefe

(SPRINGFIELD, MO.) - Forget negative ads and attacks on the stump, Barack Obama went back in time and challenged John McCain to an old fashioned duel.

"I was just reading that Wild Bill Hickok. He had the first duel in the town square here in Springfield," Obama told the crowd of around 1,000. Referencing his extended family tree, Obama said that legend has it that he is related to Hickok.

"So we're going to research that cause I'm ready to duel John McCain on taxes. Right now, right here. I am a quick draw."

Obama was introduced by Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who took the opportunity to dispel some negative suggestions about her friend.

"What I want to tell you from my heart this morning is something they say. They say that he's arrogant. That he's unpatriotic. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

During the town hall, Obama veered of his prepared remarks to comment on everything from campaign ads to lobbyists.

"You've seen the ads. They just replace the name each election cycle. But it's the same ad over and over again."

Meanwhile, Senator McCain's campaign released a new advertisement today showcasing Obama's celebrity. Obama even went so far as to defend lobbyists.

"Now listen, not every lobbyist is bad, I mean some of them, they're just trying to present their point of view," he said

Perhaps K Street was smiling. Obama went on to say that the problems with lobbyists arise when they give big contributions to lawmakers, creating too much influence.

Towards the end of the town hall meeting, Obama mocked his opponents saying their strategy is to make Americans "scared" of him.

"It's like the argument is I know you don't really like what we are doing - but he's risky," Obama said with a little bit of signature swagger.

"It's like, we don't have much to offer - but he's risky."

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