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Obama Campaign Responds to Clinton's Criticism

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

CHICAGO -- Barack Obama decided to spend Valentine's Day with his wife, Michelle, instead of on the campaign trail. However, neither his campaign nor his rivals skipped a beat.

In response to Hillary Clinton's stepped up attacks on Obama, the Obama campaign slammed Clinton in an e-mail to reporters, noting that Clinton is touring areas in Ohio today where many people lost their jobs due to NAFTA and other trade agreements.

"Today, Senator Clinton will visit the Mahoning Valley and witness some of the devastation that NAFTA, PNTR and other unfair trade agreements have caused putting thousands of American workers out of jobs. As late as September 2006, Senator Clinton touted the President Clinton's support for NAFTA."

Campaign spokesman, Bill Burton, went after both Clinton and Republican John McCain on the issue of spending.

"For many years, John McCain was also a leader on increasing transparency and accountability in government, but it looks like the wheels on the Straight Talk Express came off somewhere along the road to the Republican nomination, as he joined with right-wing Republicans to push for a $10 million taxpayer-funded pork project in his home state of Arizona," Burton said.

Burton went after Clinton on a slew of issues including the money from special interests and health care, saying that Obama does not need "lectures" from Clinton. "Senator Clinton may have said that attacks and distortions are the 'fun' and 'exciting' part of the campaign, but they're exactly what everyone else in America is tired of."

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