Trump says he "trusts" Kim Jong Un after summit
President Trump and Kim Jong Un's summit, which lasted less than five hours, was the first between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader. Mr. Trump said it would lead to many more meetings , and he would "absolutely" consider inviting Kim to the White House. The two leaders signed a "comprehensive" document detailing their commitment to establishing relations and working toward "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" but it offers few specifics about how denuclearization would be carried out.
Pictures from the hotel on Singapore's Sentosa Island were historic but the commitments somewhat vague, a crucial factor considering North Korea's checkered history of living up to deals with the U.S. Even so, the president said there is a real chance for peace, denuclearization and a new relationship with North Korea. The president said he now "trusts" Kim Jong Un and knows now he wants to make a deal, meaning more summits could be held in Pyongyang and Washington.
"Mr. President, this joint statement does not talk about verifiable or irreversible denuclearization. Is that a concession on the part of the United States?" CBS News' Major Garrett asked President Trump in Singapore Tuesday.
"No, not at all, because if you look at it, I mean, it said, 'We are going to, let's see here. 'It will be gone.' I don't think it can be any more plain than what we're, what we're asking," Trump said.
Garrett also asked the president about verifying North Korean compliance. He said, "Well, it's going to be achieved by having a lot of people there, and as we develop a certain trust -- and we think we have done that."
And on whether those verifying North Korean compliance were going to be American or international, Trump said, "A combinations of both. A combinations of both. And we have talked about it, yes."
The day began with never-before-seen images of a sitting American president repeatedly shaking hands with the leader of a legendarily repressive and militarized regime. Kim Jong Un appeared to grasp the enormity of the moment, telling the president it was like a scene from a science fiction movie.
Last year's chest thumping and insults hurled between the two leaders were a distant memory replaced by amiable looks and chats as they walked the colonnade of one of Singapore's most luxurious hotels. Seated alone, with interpreters only, Kim told reporters the two countries had overcome the obstacles and prejudices of the past.
Later – in a meeting that included the leaders' aides – President Trump said he was confident the two sides would make progress.
The president said North Korea has a sizable nuclear arsenal and that Kim knows its details and capabilities very well. Even before big steps toward dismantling that arsenal, the president agreed to halt future military exercises with South Korea, calling them expensive and "inappropriate."