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Maps show NOAA's 2025 spring weather outlook across U.S.

As meteorological winter comes to an end, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center has issued its three-month weather outlook, revealing temperature, precipitation and drought expectations for meteorological spring.

NOAA breaks the calendar up into four meteorological seasons. The three-month groups roughly correlate to the four seasons, and are based on temperatures. Meteorological winter runs from December through February. Meteorological spring runs from March through May. 

The U.S. also remains under La Niña conditions, which can create unusual weather patterns.  

The spring temperature outlook for 2025. NOAA CPC

According to the season's temperature outlook, much of the country is forecast to see warmer-than-average temperatures. The Desert Southwest and Southern Tier are expected to see the greatest increase. Warmer than usual temperatures are forecast to extend into the Northeast and New England. The only region expected to see below-average temperatures is the far Northwest. 

The spring precipitation outlook for 2025. NOAA CPC

In looking at the precipitation forecast for the next three months, much of the Southwest, Southern Rockies and Southern Plains are set to see well-below-average rain and snow accumulations. These drier conditions are also expected for most of Florida and southern Georgia. 

Meanwhile, the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region will see above average precipitation from rain and snow showers. That also means that more clipper systems and lake effect snow events could be possible. This is also the case for the far Northwest, where any incoming system would produce rain and snow. 

As for the drought conditions over the next three months, it doesn't look favorable. 

The spring drought outlook for 2025. NOAA CPC

Drought conditions in the Northern Plains and Southwest are expected to persist. Meanwhile, new drought developments are likely for parts of the Southern Plains and Florida. The only regions with possible small improvements in drought conditions are along the Great Lakes and the interior New England area. 

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