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Nicolas Cage's eerie Halloween dance at Dracula's castle

(CBS)Actor Nicolas Cage may not  be a time-traveling vampire, but he did dance on Halloween in front of  Dracula's  Castle  in Romania.

Cage, who denied the vampire rumor in an appearance last week on "Late Night with David Letterman," told that he visited the castle, known as  Bran Castle, while filming the new "Ghost Rider" sequel in Romania.

Pictures: Nicolas Cage
Pictures: Cage's Castle

"I took a tour...on my break [from shooting] on Halloween night," Cage said  this week. "It was a little intense for my family. You know, all the goth girls were dancing around the guys who were dressed as Count Dracula. It was just a bit scary," he added, while pointing out, "But I enjoyed out."

As if  a Halloween  visit to Dracula's Castle wasn't  surreal enough, Cage also said that he showed up there in his demonic "Ghost Rider" costume, much to the amusement of his fellow tourists.

"They would grab me and dance around me in a circle at Dracula's Castle. So that was just all good for [developing the Ghost Rider] character,." he said.

"Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance" opens in theaters nationwide this Friday.

To  learn what else Cage  did  to prepare for the  role  and get his view on whether  there will be a third "Ghost Rider,"  check out our interview with Cage by watching the video at the top of this story.

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