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Nicki Minaj "Your Love" Video Is "Die Hard," Like Bruce Willis

Nicki Minaj in Your Love music video. (Universal) Universal

NEW YORK (CBS) Rapper Nicki Minaj is rising in the charts with her latest single "Your Love."

PICTURES: Nicki Minaj Sextape Video Scandal

The 25-year-old rapper has now released a video to the Annie Lennox-sampled tune, which is now a Billboard Number 1 rap hit, the first by a female rapper in more than eight years.

She was initially reluctant to release the song, but was forced to after it leaked - and eventually blew up - on the Internet, according to MTV News.

Shot by Director X, the four-minute clip shows an almost demure Minaj cooing for the affections of a irrepressible lover.

In a line from the tune, the female M.C. says emphatically that for "your love she will 'Die Hard' like Bruce Willis." Her verbal word play is tongue-and-cheek yet undeniably addictive from first listen to the tune's throbbing backbeat.

Minaj frolics throughout the clip in Asian-inspired garb, slaying any figures daring to challenge the love of her "samurai." Minaj's polished look is fiery with sharp-as-knives nails and multiple wardrobe changes.

The same figures Minaj slashes in "Your Love" could very well be her musical predecessors as the Queens, N.Y., rapper looks to conquer the entire hip hop industry, one chart entry at a time. And with a winning number like "Your Love" she's on the right track.

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