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NFL "Steelers Van" Used to Serve Warrants in Pa., Police Say Nobody Runs Away

Steeler-Styled Van Used to Serve Warrants in Pa.
Steeler-Styled Van (Trina Orlando/KDKA)

CONNELLSVILLE, Pa. (CBS/KDKA/AP) Two constables in western Pennsylvania decided driving around in a car resembling a police cruiser was preventing them from serving warrants. So, they decided to go black and gold.

Constables Hubie Coleman and Albert Younkin used a van decorated in the NFL Steelers' colors and the team logo.

Coleman says they drove up to houses and honked the horn. People came out to see them because they were curious about the van. That's when they served the court papers.

The constables borrowed the van from a car dealership. They tell the Daily Courier of Connellsville that they won't use it again since their cover is blown, but they are looking for other unique ways to get their job done.

The constables told CBS affiliate KDKA that they arrested 10 people during Wednesday night's warrant sweep. That's roughly double the number they normally take into custody.

In a touch those arrested might not have appreciated, the officers said they also played the Steelers' fight song while driving people to see the judge.

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