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New Obama ad digs in on Romney's abortion stance

As Romney's debate remark about "binders full of women" continues to invade the campaign trail and women voters are back in focus for both candidates, the Obama campaign is resurfacing the abortion issue a new TV ad highlighting Mitt Romney's position.

The spot uses a clip from a debate during the Republican primary where the moderator asked if the candidates would sign a bill overturning Roe v. Wade to ban all abortions. The ad shows Romney responding, "Let me say it: I'd be delighted to sign that bill."

That ad left out the rest of Romney's answer, where he added he'd sign it if a majority of Americans supported overturning it and pointed out "that's not where America is today."

The ad then references Romney's widely-reported shifting positions on abortion. "Trying to mislead us? That's wrong. But ban all abortions? Only...if you vote for him," the narrator says.

Romney was publicly pro-choice when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1994 and during his 2002 gubernatorial campaign before he began shifting toward an anti-abortion rights stance. When he launched his first presidential bid in 2007, he adopted the stance that he opposes abortion except in the instances of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. Critics also point to a recent interview where Romney said abortion would not be part of his legislative agenda which led to his campaign restating that he "is proudly pro-life, and he will be a pro-life president."

The Obama ad comes one day after the Romney campaign released its own ad to appeal to women voters. The Romney ad features an Obama supporter who says she "looked into" Romney's position on contraception and concludes that it's been misconstrued. She then goes on to say that economic issues are more important to her.

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