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NBC files equal time notice after Trump's SNL appearance

NBC has filed a notice about Donald Trump's "Saturday Night Live" appearance that would allow his rivals to request equal coverage time.

The notice said the billionaire GOP presidential candidate appeared on the show last Saturday for 12 minutes and 5 seconds.

"Donald Trump, a candidate for the Republican nomination for President in the 2016 national election, appeared without charge on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" for a total period of 12:05 (12 minutes and 5 seconds) commencing at 11:39:11 PM ET on November 7 and ending at 1:01:01AM ET on November 8, 2015," the notice says.

Within the next week, Trump's competitors have the ability to request equal time. Trump hosted the show for the first time since 2004 on Saturday.

After Hillary Clinton appeared on SNL in October, then-Democratic presidential candidate Larry Lessig asked NBC for equal coverage time. Clinton appeared in a skit for 3 minutes and 12 seconds. Lessig, a Harvard professor who had been pushing for campaign finance reform, recently dropped out of the presidential race.

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