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Navy Destroyer named after hero SEAL

It's been a week since Navy SEALs captured and killed Osama bin Laden.

Now, on this Mother's Day weekend, the heroic actions of another SEAL, this one killed-in-action in Afghanistan, have been honored by a grateful nation.

CBS News correspondent Seth Doane reports that Maureen Murphy was proud to christen a Navy Destroyer bearing her son's name.

"It is an honor and a privilege that I am to be the sponsor of the USS Michael Murphy," Maureen Murphy said during the christening.

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It was a tribute to Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005.

"I would like a moment of silence for all of those men," Maureen Murphy said.

Eighteen other U.S. troops died along with Murphy back in June of 2005, including two in the Navy SEAL team he led.

His Navy SEAL team was on a secret mission until a group of passing goat-herders gave away their location. The team had decided to let the herders pass, rather than killing them.

That decision, though, revealed their location, and a Taliban video surfaced later reportedly showing the firefight that followed. As Murphy's small team came under attack from around 100 heavily-armed Taliban.

Already wounded, Murphy dashed into the open to get a satellite signal and place a phone call for help. The Chinook helicopter sent in to rescue them was hit by enemy fire and blew up, killing all 16 on board.

NATHANAEL: it was the worst day of my life - and the worst day in navy seal history," said Nathanael Roberti, part of the recovery team sent high into the mountain pass near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. "The next day we are up there recovering bodies. We fly in, fast rope in 85 feet. Bad enemy territory. The worse pass you can imagine."

The only survivor of the original SEAL team - Marcus Luttrell - told CBS News' Katie Couric he was able to escape because of Murphy.

Murphy was laid to rest a hero on a gloomy summer day. That same night his mother received an email that had been delayed.

It says, "Mom, I'm home safe and sound," and it arrived the day he was buried.

"I got that message that never came like three months before," Maureen Murphy said. "I feel like it was Mike saying, 'It's okay, mom. I'm okay.'"

On Saturday, in front of 3,000 spectators in Bath, Maine, he was honored with a $1.1 billion floating memorial.

At the ceremony, Maureen Murphy said: "I just want to say, happy birthday, baby."

It would have been Murphy's 35th birthday.

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