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Naked cop's sauna encounter with fugitive leads to arrest

There's no escape from the long arm of the law in Sweden. Not even sitting naked in a sauna.

Police spokewoman Carina Skagerlind said Tuesday that an off-duty police officer found himself sitting in the same sauna in Rinkeby, a Stockholm suburb, as a fugitive who had dodged a jail sentence for aggravated assault, among other offenses.

Skagerlind said after recognizing each other, "the naked police officer calmly told the man that he should consider himself arrested."

She said Tuesday the officer called colleagues to pick up the fugitive, adding "the arrest was undramatic and the wanted man didn't try to flee."

Nakengripet Du bästa kollega som höll huvudet kallt även när det hettade till i en potentiellt farlig situation och...

Posted by Polisen Rinkeby on Saturday, March 30, 2019

The officer was praised for the March 29 arrest and police warned fugitives on Facebook: "We are everywhere. Even if you do not see us, we are there."

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