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Mystery Object Delays Shuttle's Return

NASA delayed the planned landing of space shuttle Atlantis by at least a day Tuesday after engineers spotted an object that may have accidentally flown out of its cargo bay.

Landing had been scheduled for Wednesday morning. But a poor weather forecast and concerns that something crucial floated out of the space shuttle prompted the delay, space shuttle communicator Terry Virts told the crew.

NASA wanted an extra day to do a detailed photographic analysis of the shuttle and its cargo bay area, NASA spokesman Doug Peterson had said earlier. Already NASA had been using cameras to scan the cargo area.

Mission control spotted the baffling object — the size of which was not immediately determined — with a video camera in the shuttle's cargo bay. The object, which circled the Earth in the same orbit as the shuttle, probably came out of the cargo bay around 2:45 a.m. EDT Tuesday because some jets had just been fired on Atlantis, Peterson said.

"It's something that we didn't expect, but it's something that we're taking a real close look at," Peterson said. NASA ordered Atlantis to keep the camera running all night instead of stowing it ahead of the planned landing attempt as usual.

Even before the problem with the unexplained object surfaced, NASA had said weather could affect Wednesday's scheduled landing. A storm front moving through Florida could delay landing from 5:59 a.m., when the sky would still be dark, until 7:34 a.m. or until Thursday or Friday. Weather requirements are more stringent for dark sky landings because they are more difficult.

In preparation for the landing, the Atlantis crew had packed, checked flight controls — similar to those on an airplane — and test fired small jets that are used to guide the shuttle. The commander and pilot used simulations to practice their landing skills.

They also participated in a rare conference call with two other spacecraft also currently in orbit.

"It's a little crowded in the sky this morning," said Jeff Williams, a resident of the international space station the shuttle undocked from on Sunday after delivering and installing a solar panel addition.

"We were wondering if we had to hire some more air traffic controllers for the increased traffic up here," responded Michael Lopez-Alegria from the Russian Soyuz capsule that launched from Kazakhstan on Monday. He's part of the team that will be taking over from Williams' crew.

During the 10-minute conversation, while the space station and shuttle hovered over Australia and the capsule over the Black Sea, the astronauts reminisced about their time together, the times to come and the latest drama in the cosmos.

The three space station astronauts pulled an alarm and donned protective gear after an Elektron oxygen generator overheated Monday, spreading smoke and a burned-rubber smell and leaking potassium hydroxide, an irritant that is used to power batteries. NASA said the leak was not life-threatening, and the crew cleaned up the spill.

"We're sorry you guys had to go through that but, yeah, we're kind of glad we weren't there and we want you all to know that we didn't touch the Elektron," Atlantis commander Brent Jett joked to Williams.

During their mission, the Atlantis astronauts officially resumed construction of the international space station after a four-year hiatus. The 115-foot-long solar wings they added will generate power for the space station once it's rewired during the next mission, slated to launch in December.

Progress on the orbiting lab halted after the Columbia disaster in 2003, when the space shuttle disintegrated while re-entering the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard.

Since then, NASA has implemented several safety procedures, including Monday's inspection of the shuttle using a robotic arm with a TV camera and laser imagery system attached on the end.

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